… A commitment that did not waiver when the civil war rebels forced their way into our school during the civil war that plagued Sierra Leone from 1991-2002, burning it down in an effort to intimidate and scare innocent civilians.
A commitment that allowed our health clinic to be one of very few clinics allowed by the government to remain open to care for the sick during the Ebola outbreak that wreaked havoc on the country of Sierra Leone from 2014-2016.
A commitment that looked at these circumstances that were beyond our control as
opportunities to extend our efforts and to go into
unreached people in
difficult places as many international aid agencies saw these tragedies as a way out.
…to serve the underserved
…to provide education and hope to a student, a community, and a country
…to provide free healthcare for all children in our communities ages 5 and under as well as expectant mothers and our 5,000 students
…to lead the way in providing technical and business skills education that is aligned with Sierra Leone’s workforce so that our students, as well as local community members, can be equipped and properly trained for jobs in their country. Jobs that will boost an economy and allow families to continue to prosper, to continue to fight poverty, and continue to WIN that fight.
Learn more about the history of SLIMS AFRICA, our progress to date, and where we are headed as we stay committed to our mission of ending the cycle of poverty in Sierra Leone through a holistic approach built on the foundation of access to quality education and healthcare for the world's most vulnerable children.