“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Education Cures identifies schools in impoverished countries that are seeking to make a tremendous impact on their community. Through these local partnerships, Education Cures trains their teachers in the best curriculums in order to ensure that every child has the opportunity to be successful, regardless of learning disabilities or other impairments. Whether students are three years old and entering our Early Childhood Education program or twelve years old and in need of a more supportive environment, we ensure local teachers are ready for every student to begin their educational journey. At Education Cures, we believe that by empowering teachers and providing the tools, training, technology, and resources needed, we can equip them to impact hundreds of students' lives. Our goal is for the rest of the Mohameds to have a story of hope.
“SLIMS is the DREAM partner. We know that when we put our funds into this school, then we are putting them into something that is honest. By working together we are truly making a difference in the lives of the students, and the communities in Sierra Leone that need us the most.”
Katie Cyphers | Founder and Executive Director | Education Cures

In January 2015, All For One Foundation partnered with Sierra Leone International Mission School (SLIMS) in Freetown, Sierra Leone to help a community afflicted by the outbreak of the Ebola virus. Through our partnership our clinic at the school was able to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies to properly screen incoming patients thus remaining open to serve the surrounding community during the Ebola crisis. The funding also helped 4000 children to return to school once the school was able to be re-opened and enabled a start of an Ebola outreach program for kids.
In January 2017, All For One Foundation again partnered with SLIMS to build a Sierra Leone Child Prosperity Center to help the large number of Ebola orphans. All For One is a growing children's charity that is dedicated to changing the lives of children around the world by improving social conditions, educational opportunities, and healthcare availability. It was founded late 2002 in Chicago, Illinois by Jeff Levitan.
All For One focuses on creating hope for children around the world through HEALTH and EDUCATION, and collaborates with other organizations of various size to improve conditions and create hope for those in need.