Taking a holistic approach to ending the cycle of poverty in Sierra Leone for over 26 years.

Atlanta International Fellowship (AIF) started Sierra Leone Mission School (SLIMS) in October 1992 as a school for orphan children. The school then moved to Wellington, a poor area on the outskirts of Freetown in Sierra Leone where it operates today.
The government of Sierra Leone made ten acres available for SLIMS in September 1996, on a 50-year lease, with nominal annual rent. The school was a primary school only (grades 1-6) until 2004. A junior secondary school (grades 7-9) was started in 2004, and a senior secondary school (grades 10-12) was added in 2006. SLIMS first graduating senior class was in July 2009.
SLIMS started another school in Grafton in 2008. There are now approximately 4,000 students and 130 workers at both schools. Government assistance is being received for approximately 60 teachers.
A community health clinic was constructed in 1997 on the 10 acre campus. The clinic provides free health services for the students and local community, including delivering of 2 – 3 babies per day. Many mission trips to the health clinic have provided dental services, optical services, health education classes, and distribution of medicines and malaria nets. With the addition of solar power the clinic is increasing the number of people in the community it can serve.
In 2006, two full size outdoor basketball courts were constructed at SLIMS. Upward Basketball has donated basketball uniforms, and basketballs for clinics in 2007, 2008 and 2010. Thousands of children have attended to learn basketball and become exposed to the gospel.
SLIMS was instrumental, in 2008, in starting Young Life in Sierra Leone with the first chapter at the SLIMS school. Today YL has grown to many schools in the area and in Bo which is the second largest city in Sierra Leone.
In 2013 volleyball was introduced to the children at SLIMS and girls teams are being assembled. Additional classrooms have been added for grade 13, expansion with solar power has enhanced the medical clinic, and a 3rd SLIMS campus has been added in the small village of Ngarahun.
Ngarahun is located just outside of Waterloo in the Fabaina area. A great story of partnership with the local village chief and SLIMS leadership serving local kids. The school had closed in this small village due to lack of resources, but now has reopened!!
In Jan. 2014 SLIMS defeated the Prince of Wales secondary school to win the Inter-Secondary School competition for Sierra Leone.
The Ebola crisis prevented SLIMS from reopening in the Fall of 2014 when the government suspended the start of all schools in Sierra Leone.2013
Volleyball was introduced to the children at SLIMS by a visiting team from Atlanta and girls teams are being assembled. Due to academic changes in the African educational system, an additional year of high school was added as required by the government. Three additional classrooms were added for grade 13. Due to the growth of the school, a building was built to provide more room for the tailors to make uniforms for all of the students. Solar panels were added to the medical clinic.2012
SLIMS celebrating 20 years in Sierra Leone. School has grown to almost 4,000 students. Sierra Leone International Mission Church and Young Life programs on campus continue to grow. Restroom facilities for students are improved and plans are being finalized for expansion of medical and dental clinic.2011
Mission trip in October with a team from Atlanta, Georgia. SLIMS has grown to 3,500 students. Construction continues on new science building. SLIMS school ranked one of the highest in Sierra Leone in academic test scores from students entering the 10th grade with 100% passing2010
SLIMS has 3,000 students with 120 staff. The students are taught in 2 shifts. Upward Basketball clinic, Solar Light for Africa installed Solar Panels on administration building, developing plans for Interactive Teaching Center and park. Developing plans for growth of school in Grafton. SLIMS – Grafton currently has 110 students.2009
First Senior graduating class. SLIMS grew to 2,500 students by the end of 2009. Construction of science building begins.2008
Administration and Library building complete – Young Life in Sierra Leone started at SLIMS Wellington campus -The second Upward Basketball Clinic. SLIMS started a second school in Grafton.2006
Two full size Basketball Courts were constructed for the first Upward Basketball clinic. Senior Secondary school (grades 10-12) was added.2004
Parents of the students wanted SLIMS to add a Junior Secondary school (grades 7-9).2000
Reopened school under mango trees with help from A.I.F., Minister of Education, UNICEF and others. 700 students returned to the school. Construction begins to rebuild facility. School was a Primary school (grades 1-6).1999
In January the rebels entered Freetown, take the school and control the site for 9 months. 900 students and teachers fled for safety. They burn the Primary School building when defeated by US, British and NATO troops.1997
Construction and opening of community medical clinic. (currently delivers 1-2 babies per day).1996
Moved to current 10 acre site with a land lease from the Government. War with rebels was ongoing, and Minister of Education pleaded with SLIMS to serve more kids.1994
After being forced out, with 150 children and a staff of 18, SLIMS moved to #2 Old Warf Road in Freetown.1992
Kris Ramsahai (Founder of Atlanta International Fellowship) visits Sierra Leone, asked to preach, and meets orphan children. SLIMS begins as a school for 40 orphan children at 195 Bai Bureh Road in Freetown. Sierra Leone civil war with rebels begins in mountain villages.